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Stop the persecutions of religious minorities in Iran



Fundamentalist forces struggle for absolute power in Iran. They use all different kinds of accusations, allegations and demonisations against each interpretation of Islam that differs from their own violent interpretation and against the impact of other religions. For more than 8 years Darvishes, Baha’i, Sunnis and Christian converts face brutal campaigns against their buildings, belongings and their lives. These fundamentalist forces don’t just fight for absolute power in Iran. They try to influence certain groups out of Iran that are radicalizing their views and follow goals and views of the leaders of the system in Iran. As a father of two and godfather of children living from India to Sweden in different parts of the world I am again and again astonished how little public discussion can be found on this subject. A petition like this could help to attract the worlds attention towards these persecutions and dangeraus acts and plans of the system in Iran. As the leaders in Iran fear their image in certain parts of the world might deteriorate they become very careful and this petition can make them stop their purge or at least make them reduce the harassements. This could enable many families to return to a kind of normal social life.
