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Gohardasht Political prisoners denied proper food and treatment in ongoing pressures



According to reports, inhumane pressures have increased against political prisoners in the Gohardasht Prison in Karaj. An example of these pressures is the reduction of the quality and quantity of the prisoners’ food.


The dinner given to political prisoners which was one egg, one potatoes and one piece of bread has been replaced with 15 grams of halva and a small, thin piece of factory bread and the quantity of all other meals given to prisoners has been lowered as well.

On the other hand, in a coordinated measure, simultaneously with the reduction of the quantity and quality of food, the prison shops that usually sold expired canned foods have largely stopped selling canned foods and other goods.

The head of Gohardasht Prison, Mohammad Mardani, had threatened political prisoners before this that if sanctions were increased, the first people that would have to pay were political prisoners.

In other reports, ailing political prisoners who are taken to the infirmary in critical condition are also pressured. For example, an ailing political prisoner who is prescribed 30 pills for his ailment only receives 10 of the pills.

Notably, telephones used by political prisoners have been cut off since January 2011. A number of political prisoners such as Arjang Davoudi and Loqman and Zaniar Moradi have been banned from family visits with their families. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Jan. 25, 2012)