According to reports by IranGreenVoice (Nedaye Sabz Azadi) Mir Hossein Mousavi, former presidential candidate during the 2009 elections and leader of the Green Movement under illegal house arrest for approximately 18 months, was transferred to a cardiac hospital in down town Tehran under extreme security measures accompanied by his wife Zahra Rahnavard.
555 days after his illegal house arrest, Mir Hossein Mousavi who was reportedly suffering from extreme chest pain was reportedly transferred this morning, Thursday August 23rd, 2012, under extreme security measures to the Coronary Care Unit (CCU) at a cardiac hospital in central Tehran. It has been reported that security agents arrived at the hospital the night before Mousavi’s transfer, installing security cameras throughout the hospital.
According to the same reports the security apparatus assigned to Mir Hossein Mousavi and his wife Zahra Rahnavard at the hospital includes tens of IRGC agents, security agents and plain clothes officers. The hospital personnel working in the unit where Mousavi has been admitted, have not been allowed to leave the building and Mousavi is said to be banned from all visitation.
It has been reported that as a result of a blocked coronary artery, Mousavi under went a three hour angiogram. Upon completion of the operation, Mousavi was transferred back to the CCU unit where he is likely to remain for a longer period of time.
In the event that Mousavi’s hospitalization is prolonged, there is speculation that he will be kept in isolation in a separate unit in the hospital.
Translated by BanooyeSabz
Source: Kaleme: http://kaleme.org/1391/06/02/klm-110814/
Opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi hospitalised following ‘severe’ heart problems
Mir Hossein Mousavi, a leader in Iran’s opposition Green Movement, has been transferred to the critical care unit of a Tehran hospital after developing “severe” cardiovascular problems, sources told the Green Voice of Freedom.
On Thursday morning, more than 550 days after his illegal house arrest, the 2009 presidential candidate was taken to a cardiovascular hospital in Tehran.
GVF sources say that Mousavi was accompanied by wife Zahra Rahnavard and tens of security and police forces.
A three-hour angiography was performed on the former Prime Minister whose condition is reportedly satisfactory.
Hospital staff involved in Mousavi’s treatment have been barred from leaving work.
On Wednesday, a day prior to the operation, security forces installed closed-circuit television cameras at various points in the hospital.
Mousavi and fellow 2009 presidential candidate Mehdi Karroubi spearheaded the opposition Green Movement until February 2011 when the pair called for demonstrations in solidarity with the Arab Spring.
Rights groups say their house arrest violates both Iranian and international law.
In an interview with the BBC’s Persian service, Ardeshir Amir-Arjomand, a top Mousavi advisor, confirmed the reports about the opposition figure’s health complications and said that Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei was directly responsible for his well-being.
“In the beginning [of the house arrest], Mir Hossein Mousavi was in very good health. If anything happens to Mir Hossein Mousavi, Mr Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Republic, will be held directly responsible.”
Source: GVF
Iran opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi hospitalised, aide says
Reformist who ran for election against Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in June 2009 has been under house arrest for more than a year.
Leading Iranian opposition figure Mir Hossein Mousavi, under house arrest for more than a year, was taken to hospital on Thursday for treatment for a heart problem, one of his former senior advisors said.
Mousavi and fellow reformist Mehdi Karoubi ran for election against President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in June 2009 and became figureheads for the large protests that followed by Iranians who accused authorities of rigging the vote to bring back the hardline incumbent.
The government denied any wrongdoing and said Iran’s foreign enemies had plotted to overthrow the country’s leaders by stirring up the protests, the biggest opposition demonstrations since the 1979 revolution.
“Mousavi was taken to the hospital this morning after his blood vessels became blocked,” said Ardeshir Amir Arjomand, a senior advisor to Mousavi during his presidential campaign and a leading exiled opposition figure.
“He has not been feeling well since last night, but the security forces did not take him to the hospital until this morning because they wanted to install cameras there,” Arjomand told Reuters by telephone from Paris.
Mousavi, his wife Zahra Rahnavard and Karoubi have been held incommunicado since February last year when the two leaders called their supporters on to the streets for a rally in support of uprisings in the Arab world – the first demonstrations by their pro-reform “Green movement” since street protests were crushed by security forces at the end of 2009.
Since then, the two opposition leaders have not been seen in public.
Months after the 2009 election, members of parliament called for the pair to be tried and hanged but the authorities chose to isolate rather than officially arrest them, wary of angering their supporters.
Arjomand said the families of the two opposition figures had been under “severe and inhumane pressure” in recent months.
“Mr Mousavi did not suffer from any illness prior to his house arrest. He and his family have been under a lot of pressure but he has stood firm … The same is true for Mr Karoubi and his family.”
Arjomand also called on United Nations secretary general Ban Ki-moon and other leaders to demand a meeting with the imprisoned opposition leaders when they travel to Iran in the coming week for a summit of 120 developing nations.
Source: Guardian