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Dervishes’ solicitors are under pressure and subjected to torture in the concentration camp of Shiraz intelligence office


Following the attack and assault on Dervishes in Kavar province and probability of conflict on Sunday, on Sunday 13 Shahrivar 1390 (4 September 2011), Messrs Amir Eslami and Afshin Karam Pour from Gonabadi Dervishes, and Gholamreza Shirzadi (The university assistant professor) were called by the constabulary of Kavar province to present at the constabulary office for negotiating and problem solving to prevent the conflict. The solicitors imagined that presenting at the constabulary office; they could demand this town’s authorities to provide enough safety to this town Dervishes that they would be able to hold their religious rites in a peaceful atmosphere. Therefor they came to this province but unfortunately they were arrested by the inviters! In the same day five Gonabadi Dervishes were fired by security and military forces that one of them who named Vahid Banani because of severe injury passed away on Tuesday, 15 Shahrivar 1390 (6 September 2011). And forty other Dervishes were arrested at the same time. After that on Wednesday 16 Shahrivar 1390 (7 September 2011) at 10 a.m., the car of Mr. Omid Behroozi the other Gonabadi Dervishes’ solicitor was impound and himself was apprehended without any bench warrant. According to the declared tracings, these solicitors are captive in the concentration camp of Shiraz intelligence office which is called doorplate No. 100.

At the following of this report it is mentioned that on Thursday 17 Shahrivar 1390 (8 September 2011), an eyewitness saw Mr. Omid Behroozi in Shiraz Enqelāb court who was handcuffed with the bruised inferior muscles of the eyes, that reveals he had been subjected to the security officers’ torture.
It is considerable that the solicitors legally have defended Dervishes’ rights, but the governmental forces moreover than intensification of the encounter and arresting Gonabadi Dervishes, now physically encounter Dervishes’ solicitors and intend to boycott their juridical activities.

Meanwhile it should be mentioned that a number of Gonabadi Dervishes Formal Website’s managers who have been arrested on Sunday, 13 Shahrivar 1390 (4 September 2011), are at the security cells of Evin prison. In last days Majzoobān-i Noor Website was attacked by cyber-forces of the army and became inaccessible, which Majzoobān-i Noor’s technical team endeavors returned it to its regular state and its news casting is going on.