Tag: Evin prison

Iran must investigate “Black Thursday” brutality at Evin Prison

  Political prisoners and prisoners of conscience at Section 350 of Iran’s Evin prison were subjected to assault, beatings and other ill-treatment, with some of those injured denied access to adequate medical care, according to a new briefing published by Amnesty International about the events of 17 April, which has become known as “Black Thursday” […]

Amnesty International: “Justice is an alien word”: Ill-treatment of political prisoners in Evin Prison

  Amnesty International – “What I witnessed revived the memories of the past five years; beatings of people in the streets, arrests, solitary confinement, attacks on the university dormitories, and what took place in Kahrizak Detention Centre” Hossein Ronaghi Maleki, prisoner of conscience, describing his account of the events in an open letter. 1. Introduction […]

Report on Evin Prison “attack” to be prepared, made public

  Mohammad Baqer Nobakht, a spokesman for the Rohani administration, says the ministries of intelligence and justice have been charged with preparing a report on recent events at Evin Prison and the result will be made public. The announcement comes after the Minister of Justice dismissed the importance of the Evin Prison events, saying there […]

Imprisoned student activist transferred to hospital

  Maryam Shafipoor, the imprisoned student kept in Evin prison since April 25, 2013 was transferred to a hospital outside of the prison in handcuff. According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Maryam Shafipoor has been transferred to a hospital due to her sever deterioration of health condition, while hospital’s physicians […]

Security Forces Raiding Tajrish Hospital; Transfer of Mostafa Daneshjou to CCU

  The sudden entrance of Evin Prison security forces into Shohada-e Tajrish Hospital caused Mostafa Daneshjou, the imprisoned lawyer of Gonabadi Dervishes, who was hospitalized in the internal division, heart and breathing problems, and consequently he was transferred to CCU.As reported by Majzooban Noor, Evin Prison officials sent their security force guards to the hospital […]

Gonabadi Dervish, Ali Karami Sentenced to 3 Years in Prison

  Tehran Revolutionary Court sentenced Gonabadi Dervish, Ali Karami three year of imprisonment.According to reports by Majzooban Noor, Ali Karami was sentenced to three years in prison by the 26th branch of the Revolutionary Court presided over by judge Mohammadzadeh for charges of “conspiracy to disturb the social and national security” (based on article 610 […]

Iran Human Rights: President Rouhani, Listen to Your Public

  While enjoying unprecedented successes in international relations, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani seems to be suffering a stalemate when it comes to building trust and cooperation between different factions in the Iranian state. As a result, he seems plagued by continuous human rights disasters at home, while issuing no public condemnations. Indeed, during an official […]

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