Tag: daneshjou

Jailed Gonabadi Dervishes’s Families’s Resistance, Resulted/ They Could Meet at 8 PM

  The families of seven imprisoned Gonabadi Dervishes in Evin prison, who had gone there to visit jailed Dervishes and refused to leave the prison visiting room until they would be allowed to visit their loved ones, after 10 hours of waiting could meet them.According to Majzooban Noor, yesterday morning on 18th Esfand 1391 (March […]

Treatment of Political Prisoner, Mostafa Daneshjou Was Left Unfinished By An Order From Judge Salavati

            Gonabad dervish’s lawyer and prisoner of conscience, Mr. Mostafa Daneshjou who had been admitted for medical treatment at Tehran’s Milad Hospital, was sent back to Evin prison according to the direct order by Judge Salavati.

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