Tag: iran

Weekly report on Human Right Violation in Iran (20/07/2013)

  Reactions to the violation of Human Rights in Iran1. On Thursday 11th July, Rosemary DiCarlo, the U.S. Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations, reported on Iran and Syria’s probable plan to become a member of the United Nations Human Rights Council and showed her dislike. The United Nation Human Rights Council with 47 […]

Outspoken Documentary Film Maker And Writer Mohamad Nourizad Has Been Summoned

  Outspoken documentary film maker, writer and former political prisoner, Mohamad Nourizad, has posted on his Facebook that he has been summoned by Court. On July 15, Mohamad Nourizad went to visit a 4 year old Baha’i boy who’s parents are imprisoned because of their faith. Nourizad posted an account of this visit on his […]

Dear President-Elect Rouhani: Can we PLEASE Give this Poor Young Man a Break?

Dear President-Elect Rouhani: I am writing to you to ask you to stop the astounding brutalization heaped upon a young man who has had to pay a horrible price for his mere participation in peaceful political activism. I welcome your recent statements that indicate your desire to usher in reforms that would lead to greater […]

Iran Today: A New Movement for Women’s Rights?

  Following meetings with former President Hashemi Rafsanjani — a key backer of President-elect Hassan Rouhani — the conservative Zeinab Society has announced plans for a new movement for women’s rights. The Zeinab Society’s Secretary Azam Haji Abbasi said, “With the consideration of [Rafsanjani’s] guidance, we concluded that the precursor for the greater activity of […]

Ward 350 Raided By 150 Guards Destroying Prisoner’s Property And Part of The Facility

  More than 150 Evin prison guards, reinforced with guards from Ghezelhesar prison, raided Ward 350 at Evin prison, engaging in inspection of prisoners’ personal effects and even the destruction of the facilities, such as removing the air conditioners, the air ducts and electrical cables. They then went to the prayer room and threw Qurans […]

Six Ward 350 Political Prisoners Moved To Solitary Confinement

  On Wednesday July 17, Ward 350 political prisoners Siyamak Ghaderi, Amir Khosro Dalirsani, Houtan Doulati, Nader Babaei, Mohamad Ebrahimi and Saeed Matinpour were moved to solitary confinement in Ward 240 of Evin prison. This action by Evin prison authorities was taken following the protests that took place in Ward 350 over the unexpected transfer […]

Foulad’s workers have not been paid for three months

  Kamal Alipour Khonakdari objected the observation procedure of parliament and said “Foulad’s workers have not received wages of three months.” According to a report of ILNA, the member of civil committee explained openly in parliament as a notification that “It is so sad that the parliamentarians do not consider the priorities and instead of […]

Judicial-Security Authorities Put Ban on Transfer of Jailed Dervishes to Medical Centers

  Unlawful interference of Judge Salavati in the medical treatment of political prisoners and prisoners of conscience continues. In an new improper interference by judge Salavati in the medical treatment process of Jailed Gonabadi Dervishes, Farshid Yadollahi, Omid Behroozi, Afshin Karampour and Hamid Reza Moradi, were prevented from transfer to hospitals outside of prison. According to […]

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