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Tag: transferred

Mehdi Khazali Transferred to the Ministry of Intelligence’s Ghamare Bani Hashem Hospital

  February 19th 2012 – [Kaleme] – According to the latest reports, dissident writer and government critic Dr. Mehdi Khazali who launched a hunger strike 44 days ago, was transferred to Ghamare Bani Hashem hospital affiliated with the Ministry of Intelligence in the middle of the night last night.

Imprisoned Student Activist Transferred To Psychiatric Ward

  A source close to the family of Abolfazl Tabarzadi, 24, told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran that the imprisoned student was transferred from Karoon Prison to the psychiatric ward of a hospital in Ahvaz. According to the source, Tabarzadi suffers from severe paranoia and depression and prison authorities were forced to […]

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