10 of the citizens who were arrested on 25 Bahman (February 14) during anti-government gatherings have embarked on a hunger strike in protest of their circumstances behind bars.
Tag: prisoners
Kurdish political prisoners transferred from Orumieh prison to an unknown location
Seven Kurdish political prisoners in Orumieh prison, some of whom were placed in solitary confinement last December, have been transferred to an unknown location.
12 Evin Ward 350 Political Prisoners Were Summoned And Once Again Interrogated
Ahead of the next Parliamentary election, a number of political prisoners were summoned to the Magistrate Office in Evin and to section 209 (under the control of the Intelligence Ministry) and were once again interrogated.
Political Prisoners In Desperate Need Of Medical Care That Is Being Denied By Authorities
There are a number of political prisoners in Evin and Rejaei Shahr prisons in poor and in critical health condition. For many, their repeated medical furlough has been denied.
Political Prisoners at Evin’s Ward 350 Respond with Roars of “Ya Hossein… Mir Hossein ” after a Sudden & Unexpected Raid
February 2nd, 2012 – [Kaleme] According to reports received from Evin’s ward 350, the men’s ward was raided by security forces who searched the premises and transferred all political prisoners to the prison yard despite the fact that it was snowing. The raid reportedly angered the prisoners to such a degree that they began […]
Release The Greenmovement ‘s Leaders And Political Prisoners
GVF — In a strongly worded private letter to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s most senior political figure Ahmad Sadr Haj-Seyed Javadi called for an end to the house arrest of opposition leaders Mir Hosseib Mousavi and Mahdi Karroubi, as well as the impeachment of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for misconduct as president.
Gohardasht Political prisoners denied proper food and treatment in ongoing pressures
According to reports, inhumane pressures have increased against political prisoners in the Gohardasht Prison in Karaj. An example of these pressures is the reduction of the quality and quantity of the prisoners’ food.
Gohardasht Political prisoners denied proper food and treatment in ongoing pressures
According to reports, inhumane pressures have increased against political prisoners in the Gohardasht Prison in Karaj. An example of these pressures is the reduction of the quality and quantity of the prisoners’ food.
39 Political Prisoners Declare: The First Step Towards National Sovereignty Is the Unconditional Release of Mousavi & Karroubi
January 25th, 2012 [Kalame] In an open letter addressed to the nation of Iran, 39 political prisoners call upon the nation to come together to create public awareness regarding the upcoming sham and rigged parliamentary elections in February, and continue to do everything in their power to ensure that the detained leaders of the […]
8000 Prisoners In Evin Are Under Harsh Conditions With No Heating, Cold Cells And No Medical Care
The prisoners confined in Evin prison are under very harsh condition these days due to shortage of heating fuel.