Tag: Evin prison

Jailed Son on Hunger Strike, Mother Had Heart Attack; Farshid Yadollahi’s Mother in Hospital

  The mother of imprisoned Gonabadi Dervish lawyer in Evin prison, Farshid Yadollahi, has had a heart attack due to the stress caused by his son’s situation.According to Majzooban Noor’s reporter,Mrs. Parvin Nouri who her groom (Omid Behroozi), her son ( Farshid Yadollahi), and her grand son ( Kasra Nouri) are in prison at the […]

An interview from Radio Farda with Dr. Azmayesh concerning the recent statements of the Intelligence Minster.

  The Iranian intelligence minster, Mahmoud Alavai, in a meeting held with presence of the heads of education of diverse parts of Iran, addressed that “this idea that students in term of thoughts and attitudes can move forward and go anywhere they wish to go, leads to be a Sufi or Dervish, or become infidel […]

Reza Entesari’s Heart Attack; Family Is Unaware of his Condition

  The family of jailed Dervish rights activist in ward 8 of Evin prison, Reza Entesari, after being informed about his heart attack in prison, went to all hospitals under the supervision of Judiciary, the Ministry of Information and Prisons Organization in order to get news about his health condition, but unfortunately did not receive any […]

Gonabadi Dervish, Farshid Yadollahi Starts Hunger Strike

  Imprisoned Gonabadi Dervish lawyer in Evin prison, Farshid Yadollahi, following his transfer of section 7 to section 4, announced a hunger strike to start today 10 Mordad 1393 (September 1, 2014).According to a report by Majzooban Noor, the mentioned Dervish, who has been deprived of basic prisoner rights such as access to fresh air […]

Imprisoned Journalist to Serve another 45 Days after Completing Five-Year Sentence

  The Iranian Judiciary continues to imprison Mohammad Davari, a journalist who was instrumental in exposing human rights violations at the Kahrizak Detention Center and other prisons in the aftermath of the disputed 2009 elections, despite completion of his five-year sentence. Davari’s August 16 release was denied, so that he may serve a new sentence […]

Health Condition of Omid Behroozi Worsens, Malevolence of Judicial Authorities

  The physical condition of Omid Behroozi, jailed in the solitary confinement of the Information Detentions due to the one-hundred fifty days in captivity has worsened; while, the judicial officials after four years of his imprisonment, say that the transfer of this Dervish to the clinic of the inside of the Evin prison is subject […]

The Families of Jailed Gonabadi Dervishes Are not still Informed of Their Whereabouts

  After six days of transfer of two imprisoned Gonabadi Dervishes from hospital to prison, their families are not still informed of their whereabouts.According to Majzooban Noor, after six days of transfer of Messrs. Hamid-Reza Moradi Sarvestani and Mostafa Daneshjou from Shohada e Tajrish hospital to Evin prison, still their families are unaware of their […]

Farshid Fathi transferred to section 10 of Rajai Shahr Prison

  Farshid Fathi, Chritian prisoner has been transferred to the section of dangerous prisoners at Rajai Shahr Prison. According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Farshid Fathi was transferred from Evin prison in Tehran to Rajai Shahr Prison in Karaj on August 19th and is now in section 10 of Rajai […]

Political Prisoners at Evin Transferred into Quarantine without Explanation

  Twenty-seven political prisoners have been transferred from Evin Prison’s Ward 350 to quarantine, where they are now being held in conditions tantamount to clear and serious ill treatment. In an interview with the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, Atieh Taheri, the wife of Saeed Matinpour, who is an Azeri journalist and civil […]

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