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Tag: Evin prison

What happened yesterday in Evin meeting room? The imprisoned Dervishes did not come to the meeting room: Visit the injured Dervishes, They are our family

  Accompanied by 50 Gonabadi Dervishes, the imprisoned Dervishes’ families came to the meeting room in Evin Prison to visit their loved ones yesterday morning on 1 Mehr 1393 (September 23, 2014). In his meeting with the 8 imprisoned Sufis, the head of Evin Prison rejected the Deputy Prosecutor General’s claim of not being aware […]

Dervish Physicians Plead with Imprisoned Peers to End Hunger Strike

  A number of Nematollahi Gonabadi Dervish physicians released a brief message to nine lawyers and rights activists of Gonabadi Dervishes in prisons of Evin and Shiraz’s Nezam asked them to break their hunger strike The physicians have expressed deep concern about the physical condition of imprisoned Dervishes and wrote: Hou121 Brothers! Dear loved ones! […]

Interview with Hazrat Haj Dr.Noor Ali Tabandeh “Majzoob Ali Shah” on Sunday, September 21, 2014

This is the audio file and also written interview you will see in the following. It should be mentioned this interview was carried out one day ago including the statements of The Holiness about the events over the past two days and protests of Gonabadi Dervishes due to the security forces and putting pressures on […]

The rate of violence of the security forces was not convictable/Four injured Dervishes have been transferred to the emergency ward of Sajjad hospital. /Pictures of injured.

  Having been transferred to the Sajjad Hospital,the four Dervishes who all were suffering from severe bleeding and had gone to coma, demonstrates only one of the unimaginable acts of violence by the police and plainclothes forces in suppressing the Dervishes.The formation of tunnel of baton and also landing the fatal hits on the head […]

On the second day of gathering, one hundred more to the previous detained dervishes.

  Based on the released reports, the number of Dervishes who has been arrested in the bloody attack reached one hundred, today.According to a report by majzooban Noor , last morning Sunday, September 21, 2014, many military and plainclothes security agents surrounded the district of Behesht street and the City Park also. They had earlier […]

Dervishes Were Beaten, Humiliated and Injured by Security Forces

  On Sunday September 21st, at 9.00am Gonabadi Dervishes gathered in front of the Prosecutor General’s office to rally in peace.After the announcement of Dervishes gathering on Sunday morning, the security forces closed the streets and Tehran’s Bazaar Metro’s exits in an effort to stop the crowd. The protestors were stopped from standing or sitting […]

What Happened to the Peaceful Dervish Protesters Gather

    Today on Sunday 21 september at 9 a.m, the second day of the rally staged to protest against the unjust conditions of Sufi Dervishes and imprisoned Dervishes turned into conflict and chaos by secourity forces.Iranian security forces have arrested 800 Gonabadi dervishes Saturday morning, September 20 who had planned to gather at 11 […]

Dervishes Traveling from Other Parts of the Country to Tehran for Gathering in front of Prosecutor’s Office, Sunday at 9 a.m

  Following publishing the news of mass arrest of Gonabadi Dervishes in the streets leading to Tehran Prosecutor’s office and transfer of them to various Police stations today on Saturday 29 Shahrivar (20 September), a large number of Dervishes from other parts of the country, are traveling to Tehran to join their detained brothers and sisters.According […]

Breaking News: Security Forces Arrested Dervishes to Turn off their Voice of Protest

Today 29th of Shahrivar 1393 ( September 20, 2014) security forces had a violent confrontation with peaceful Gonabadi Dervishes who had planned to gather in support of their jailed lawyers Dervishes in front of the Tehran Prosecutor’s office and arrested more than 170 Dervishes in the streets nearby as they are the signers of Campaign […]

Sudden Release of Rasoul Hoveyda, Non-Political Prisoner that Joined Dervish Hunger Strike

  Rasoul Hoveyda, who was being held in ward 8 of Evin prison due to inability to provide dowry, after joined the collective hunger strike of Dervish prisoners, overnight released from prison. A non-political and non-Dervish prisoner, Rasoul Hoveyda who was in the financial section of Evin prison where the two of jailed rights activists […]

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