Tag: Evin prison

Head of Iran’s Prisons Organization Threatened Kasra Nouri to Change His Place of Detention

  Head of Iran’s prisons organization threatened Kasra Nouri, imprisoned Dervish rights activist in Shiraz’s Nezam prison to change his place of detention if he continues his hunger strike.According to Majzooban Noor, Kasra Nouri who is now on 18th day of a mass indefinite hunger strike which has started along with eight imprisoned Dervishes in […]

Families of Jailed Gonabadi Dervishes;”To Go to the Prosecutor to See their Dears for the Last Time”

  The families of nine imprisoned Dervishes, who by releasing their wills have gone on hunger strike in prisons of Tehran and Shiraz, are extremely concerned as to the consequences of the hunger strike.According to majzooban Noor, the families of jailed Dervishes who had been waiting for hours in the visiting room, again were deprived […]


    Tuesday, Sep 16 2014From: Nematollahi Gonabadi SufisTo: The United Nations and other human rights organizations Human beings are members of a whole, In creation of one essence and soulIf one member is afflicted with pain, Other members uneasy will remain   Dear brothers of human society;This letter was written on behalf of the […]

Reading the Will of Jailed Dervishes in the UN Human Rights Council Session

  The situation of the Religious and Ethnic Minorities in Iran, UN Human Rights Council Geneva. Monday 15/09/2014Speech of E.Beverly for the “International Organization to Preserve in Iran” during the 27nd side session of the UN Human Rights Council, Human Rights of religious minorities in Iran, on the situation of the “Gonabadi Dervishes Hunger Strike […]

On 12th Days of Dervish Mass Hunger Strike, Omid Behroozi Was Sent to Infirmary

  Imprisoned Gonabadi Dervish lawyer in Evin prison, Omid Behroozi was taken to the prison infirmary due to his weak physical condition after 12 days on hunger strike.The reports indicate that, as his condition has become so serious and he was not able to walk, so the head of section 7 along with a prisoner […]

Prison Officials Threaten to Transfer of Jailed Dervish Strikers to Solitary Confinement

  Evin prison guards are trying to take the imprisoned Dervishes who are on hunger strike since twelve days ago, to solitary confinement.According to Kalame, following statement from Dervish prisoners announcing mass hunger strike to protest the violations of their constitutional rights, the Evin prison’s Warden, “Momeni” by putting pressure on the prison administrators wanted […]

Non-political and Non-Dervish Prisoner Joined in Dervishes Hunger Strike

A non-political and non-Dervish prisoner, Rasoul Hoveyda who is being held in the financial section of Evin prison where the two of jailed rights activists of Gonabadi Dervishes are there too , by submitting a letter announced that will go on a hunger strike to express his sympathy with Dervishes.According to Majzooban Noor, Rasoul Hoveyda […]

NCRI: Imprisoned Dervishes on hunger strike demand justice

  In a statement entitled ‘The Will’, Gonabadi Dervishes imprisoned in Iran who continue their hunger strike that began on August 31, call on freedom-loving people to bring to justice the Iranian regime’s authorities involved in torturing prisoners. Some member of the group of nine striking Gonabadi Dervishes being held in Tehran’s Evin Prison and […]

Reporters Without Borders: Lives of detained Sufi journalists in the balance

      They began a hunger strike on 31 August in protest against prison conditionsReporters Without Borders is very worried about the many journalists and netizens who continue to be detained despite suffering serious ailments, and condemns the lack of adequate medical treatment in the prisons where they are held. There is currently a […]

Imprison Us for the Protection of Islam, in Address to the Information Minister

2000 of Dervishes who have taken part in the campaign called ” migration from Iran to Evin jail”, by releasing a letter to the information minister asked him if the concept of the term “Dervish” is synonymous with the term “heresy” in his eyes; so, all of these signers of this campaign will be ready […]

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